How to use Fasciitis Fighter and ROUND 2
The high load strengthening exercise shown was based off the original study ( using rolled up towel) which found clinically relevant improvements and superior outcome compared to a stretching group at 3 months.
The exercise was completed every 2nd day and the progressions were made after the following timelines.
• 0-2 weeks – 3 sets of 12 repetitions
• 2-6 weeks – 4 sets of 10 repetitions
• >6 weeks – 5 sets of 8 repetitions
Resistance was then added as tolerated via a backpack containing books and the exercise was conducted at a tempo of 3 seconds up, 2 seconds hold, 3 seconds down.
**Gradual progression at a tolerated load is important. You should be able to perform normal calf raises on a flat surfaces prior to starting on a Level 1 two leg raise until single leg raises are tolerated.
This is not medical advice and is for educational purposes only. The Fasciitis Fighter/Fasciitis Fighter ROUND 2 is to be used only under the guidance of your chosen health professional who is familiar with this exercise treatment. Training should be customised to your individual needs.
Level 1
Fasciitis Fighter
Two leg heel raise - on original Fasciitis Fighter.
This is a great starting point if you cannot tolerate a single leg raise to begin with. You can use two legs to raise up and lower down. One foot on Fasciitis Fighter and the unaffected foot on floor.
Level 1
Fasciitis Fighter ROUND 2
Two leg heel raise - on Fasciitis Fighter ROUND 2.
This is a great starting point if you cannot tolerate a single leg raise to begin with. Two feet on ROUND 2 Fasciitis Fighter and use two legs to raise up and lower down.
Level 2
Fasciitis Fighter or FF ROUND 2
Single leg heel raise progression.
Once tolerated a single leg raise increases load. Use a stick or wall for balance. Can be performed on Fasciitis Fighter and ROUND 2 versions.
Level 3
Fasciitis Fighter or FF ROUND 2
Single leg heel raise with progressive weight.
As load tolerance improves on single leg raise a gradual increase in weight is used by holding a weight in one hand or filling a backpack with weight/books. Use a stick or wall for balance control.
Balance and Proprioception
Balance + foot and ankle muscle activation on the ROUND 2
Stand lengthways along the ROUND 2 hump with toes splayed across hump. Try to maintain balance as able.
Straight knee and bent knee stretching with plantar fascia stretching.
With the toes extended on Fasciitis Fighter or ROUND 2 models you can then perform calf stretching to increase calf and plantar fascia stretch. You can apply both a a bent knee and straight knee stretch for targeting the different calf muscles. Stretch should be comfortable.